Many basics are covered in this Help Text, and experienced users might find themselves skimming over much of it. However, even experienced users will probably learn something new.
To be prepared to accomplish the 'Crash Courses', launch Time Line for Windows. If you are not presented with the Quick Start dialog box after launch: select Options, Preferences, set an 'X' in the Quick Start option box to turn the option on, and click OK click on the File menu, and select New. Select 'Use Starter Schedule' and select 'Business Schedule'. In Options, Preferences, set Co-Pilot and Icon Bar to on.
· Use the Back button to take you back to the previous page of help text. (This is a VERY useful feature!)
· One help topic at time can be printed just by selecting File, Print.
· You can control whether or not this help text window is always visible by selecting 'Always on Top' in the Help menu of the help text window. (It's usually more convenient to not use 'Always on Top', but to just alternate between showing it and not showing it with <Alt-Tab>, especially if your screen resolution limits how much you can see on one screen.)
· We recommend (albeit mildly) that you read the 'Crash Course' part of this help text in the order presented (from top to bottom). But if you don't have time to read everything, we recommend browsing subjects at random!
· Once you feel comfortable with using Windows Help Text, try using the Annotate feature that's accessible via the Windows Help Text's Edit menu. This feature allows you to insert your own notes anywhere in the help text you like.