Video Display

The tutorial operates in VGA (640 X 480), SVGA (1024 X 768) and EGA (640 X 350) configurations. It senses your screen display and adjusts itself accordingly.

If other displays, such as CGA or Hercules Graphics are detected, the tutorial quits with a message explaining the problem.

Because the tutorial is running "live" and uses mouse movements in Time Line, it is sensitive to the placement of various screen elements. Certain screen conditions can cause these elements to be placed in such a manner as to "dodge" the mouse. This can happen under the following conditions:

1) Your Window Border is wider than 3 pixels. You can check this in the Control Panel, inside the "Desktop" section. Or you can look in your WIN.INI file for the parameter "Border Width=3." Be sure that Border Width is set to 3.

2) Certain font managers cause screen characters to be drawn differently. This will change the display enough to throw the tutorial off track. In particular, Adobe Type Manager (ATM) versions other than 2.0, and MoreFonts (r) draw screen characters differently if the option "Use Pre-built or Resident Bitmap Fonts" is not checked. If you are using Adobe Type Manager (r) or MoreFonts (r), go to the ATM or MoreFonts (r) Control Panel and make sure this option is enabled. As of this writing, ATM and MoreFonts (r) are the only font manager programs known to cause this anomaly. The tutorial looks for ATM specifically to check this condition. It does not check for MoreFonts (r), even though the same problem has been reported. If the tutorial can locate ATM , it automatically checks the ATM.INI file and advises you if there is a problem.

3) We have seen some cases where installing ATM Version 2.0 over an older version of ATM does NOT correct the incompatibility with our tutorial. On at least one such occasion, it was noticed that the ATM startup icon that appeared when Windows was launched was the icon for the older version of ATM, implying that the installation of ATM 2.0 possibly failed to completely overwrite the older version of ATM. A simple way to see if the tutorial's incompatibility is with ATM (any version) is to simply temporarily rename the ATM.INI file in the Windows subdirectory to something else (like ATM.SAV), re-launch Windows, and try the tutorial again.

4) The tutorial cannot run with ATI Technologies Crystal Fonts, or in CGA or Hercules Graphics modes. You can disable these modes by setting the video display to VGA via Windows Setup, Options, Change System Settings, Display. (You must re-launch Windows in order for system setting changes to take effect.)