Display "Generic" Dates for Tasks (Instead of Real Calendar Dates)

It is not possible for Time Line for Windows Version 1 to not schedule every task for a specific, real calendar date. However, it is possible to choose a date format that does not look like an obvious calendar date: in Options, Preferences, select the date format that looks like 'MO9325'. The particular date in this example denotes Monday (MO), in the 25th week of 1993. (It is not possible to turn off the day-of-the-week notation.) To 'genericise' the calendar dates even further, change the year (in Options, Calculations, Date, and in Options, Schedule, Start Date) to the year 2000. This will cause the most dates to appear as the year "00". For example, if a task is scheduled for the year 2000, week 0, the date displayed for it will look like "MO0001", which means "Monday, year 2000, week 0" (again, ignore the "MO" that denotes Monday).