Laser Printer Anomalies

Strange or hard to explain symptoms can usually be fixed by performing one or more of the following. Please try each of them, even if their relationship to the problem seems obscure. (We know that the fixes below might not seem to have anything to do with the problems you are experiencing, but many times they DO fix the problem!)

-> Set all fonts in Time Line for Windows to True Type fonts.

-> Set the Form menu option on the printer to 60 lines, and make it the default (in other words, an asterisk should appear in the display for 60 lines).

-> Set 'Print TrueType as Graphics' (in the Control Panel, Printers, Setup, Options) to on.

-> Set 'Fast Printing Direct to Port' (in the Control Panel, Printers, Connect) to off.

-> If printing over a network, go over the settings in Network Printing/Plotting.

-> Although we rarely have a problem with the Print Manager (in the Control Panel, Printers), you might save a little troubleshooting time by disabling it. (Turning on the Print Manager allows you to return to Time Line for Windows sooner--especially on long print jobs, but the printout itself will usually take longer to reach the printer.)