About Guide Line and Guide Line Maker

Symantec revolutionizes project management with Guide Line, an intelligent front-end product that makes creating project schedules as simple as answering a series of questions. As you respond to project-related questions, the interactive guides determine tasks, timing, dependencies and resources needed and then automatically generate Time Line 5.0 for DOS, Time Line 1.0 for Windows or On TargetTM 1.0 for Windows schedules. Both Guide Line and Guide Line Maker come with more than 15 runtime guides for projects ranging from office relocation to software development. Using Guide Line Maker you can also develop and distribute customized guides to all Symantec project management users throughout your organization free of charge.

Build Schedules in Minutes

You don't need to be a project management expert to create complete project schedules with Guide Line. All you need to do is supply Guide Line with the information it requests. Whether you are an experienced project manager or new to project management software, you will see your planning time decrease by as much as 90%. Guide Line schedules come complete with task outlines, durations, resources, and dependencies.

Capture Expert Knowledge

The theory behind Guide Line is simple: provide expert assistance to project managers. Whether you use one of the more than 15 sample guides included or create a customized guide in Guide Line Maker, you will have access to two types of information: application-specific knowledge and project management principles. This information helps planners create complete project schedules while providing a mechanism for organizations to capture the expertise of senior project managers for future projects.

Deliver Control and Consistency

Each time you plan a project with Guide Line, you get a customized schedule based on your particular needs. While each individual project is slightly different, the methodology behind those schedules is consistent. Plans generated by Guide Line use the same terminology and focus on the same high-level phases. This consistency is critical for organizations who rely on project schedules to communicate status. It also eliminates any confusion about what needs to happen when and by whom.

Interactive Guides

Dynamic dialog boxes ask questions about project requirements and then automatically create task lists with durations, resources and dependencies.

Easy Schedule Generation

You can export your data automatically to Symantec's project management software products with a click of a button.

Flexible Staff Database

You can assign resources either from a personal database or with generic skill codes.

Guide Line Maker

Interactive Development Environment Displays the results of your commands as you write them. Provides comprehensive development tools. Editing Facilities Messages in the script identify the locations and types of errors so you can correct them quickly.


Guide Line Maker provides built-in commands for the most-used development functions to save time from unnecessary data entry.

Report Generators

You can produce either code or data listing reports for archival purposes.

Simple Guide Language

Requires little or no knowledge of programming. Provides comprehensive development tools

Incremental Scripting

Guide Line Maker is designed so you only need to write procedures for one task group at a time.

Concise Command Set

The Guide Programming Language was developed specifically to create guides. This means that you can build guides quickly and easily with a minimum of coding.

Dynamic Dialog Facility

Creating customized dialog boxes with text, scroll bars, bitmaps and buttons requires no previous knowledge of programming. And Guide Line automatically sizes the boxes as you go, so you don't need to worry about coordinates or character counts.

Platform Independent Development

You also don't need to worry about operating environments because the guides you develop will automatically run under DOS or Windows. Compiling When you have finished developing a guide, Guide Line Maker compiles the data into a guide format that you can distribute to everyone in your organization.

Additional Capabilities

Project File Readers

You can import files from Time Line 5.0 for DOS, Time Line 1.0 for Windows, On Target 1.0, or Microsoft Project for Windows 3.0 for easy guide development. Not only is this the easiest way to create a guide, it is also the best way to transfer the logic and expertise of a time-tested schedule.

Project Documentation Facilities

You can create two kinds of documentation for the end users of your guides: Notes, which are assigned to specific tasks, and On-Line Help.

This way you can be sure that end users have all of the information they need as they go through the planning process.

Unlimited Distribution

Guide Line Maker comes with a special licensing agreement that allows you to distribute guides to anyone in your organization.

Optional License Pack

A License Pack is also available so you can generate project schedules in Microsoft Project for Windows 3.0. Guide Line is available for DOS or Windows. Guide Line Maker is available for Windows.


Brochure - Commercial Construction - Consulting - General Project Plan LAN Installation - Market Research - Marketing Plan -Office Relocation Party Planner - Residential Construction - Seminar - Small Business Start-Up Software Development - Trade Show - Training Workshop User Manual

System Requirements

IBM PC or compatible (286 or higher)

Hard Disk - 3 MB disk space (5MB for installation)

1 MB RAM (640K RAM Guide Line DOS only)

Windows 3.0 or higher (Guide Line Maker and Guide Line for Windows only) - Monochrome or color monitor

Symantec and Guide Line are trademarks of Symantec Corporation. Other brands and products are trademarks of their respective holder/s. ã 1993 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.