You can make a detail report in Time Line for Windows similar to that found in Time Line 5.0 by using a word processor. Such a report can be used to print out the Note or Text fields from TLW tasks.
Simply make a layout in TLW with the desired columns:
In the Window menu, select New then Gantt.
Now double click on one of the column titles or go to Format Active Window to bring up the Format Gantt form.
Delete all of the fields except Task Name.
Add the Note column.
Highlight all of the tasks and select Copy from the Edit menu.
Launch the word processor.
If the word processor is not a Windows word processor, hit <Alt-Space>.
Select Edit Paste to insert the task notes.
Now print out the information from the word processor.
Note: Some experimentation may be necessary. For example, it may be necessary to insert between columns a field that you are not currently using to hold any data, like Keyword, Numeric, Other Cost, Priority, Text 1, Text 2, or WBS. You can include other columns of information like, Start Date, Resources, and so forth.