Installing On a Local Area (LAN) Network

If you choose to install Time Line for Windows on a local area network, the following files appear in a subdirectory named \LANDIR.

LANUSER.EXELAN usage management program

TLWIN.NSRLAN support file

README.TXTThe "readme" file

During the installation procedure, you will be prompted to choose one of three install options: 1) Local Hard Disk, 2) Network Server, or 3) Add a Node to Network Server.

NOTE: The LAN Node product can ONLY be installed on a full Time Line for Windows product that has been installed as a LAN server.

The LAN files are installed ONLY if you choose to install Time Line for Windows as a LAN file server. They are placed in a \LANDIR subdirectory. The LAN files allow users to run Time Line "one-at-a-time." If more than one user tries to run the program concurrently, a warning appears advising that all available copies of Time Line are in use.

To see how many licenses of the software are installed on the network, run Time Line for Windows and display the About... screen (via the Help menu.)

You can convert full copies of Time Line to LAN Nodes by deleting local copies and re-installing them as LAN Nodes. Also, you can purchase additional LAN Node packages to add as many concurrent user slots to your LAN as you need.

For Time Line to run properly \LANDIR must be located beneath \TLWIN. The \LANDIR subdirectory must have CREATE, READ, WRITE, MODIFY and DELETE network access privileges for all concurrent users.