Highlight Summary Tasks
The simplest way to set a color for summary tasks is to first create a Highlight Filter that highlights them:
Go into Format, Highlights, hit the New button, and enter a new name like 'Summaries', and hit the OK button. Then, enter the following into the Define Condition form:
Driven by is not Effort AND
Driven by is not Duration AND
(The setting for "Condition selects related summary task" should have no effect.)
Hit okay once and you should see that we are now using 'Summaries' for Highlight 1. Hit OK again, and you should see the summaries appear in a different color.
To adjust the color that the Highlight Filter is set to, just go into Format, Global Defaults, select the Highlight 1, and change the color.
Filter Summary Tasks
If the "Clear Filter" button exists in the lower right hand corner of the screen, click on it. Click on the "Set Filter..." button in the lower right hand corner of the screen. In the Format Gantt form, click on the New button, and enter a new name like 'Hide Summaries', and hit the OK button. Then, enter the following into the Define Condition form:
Driven by is Effort OR
Driven by is Duration AND
The setting for "Condition selects related summary task" should be off.
Hit okay twice and you should see no summary tasks.