Color Printer Only Prints Black & White

This usually happens with a newly installed color printer driver and after having set Time Line for Windows to print in Black & White.

To correct this:

1) Delete the references to the printer driver in the WIN.INI file, install the driver over again and select it as the default driver.

2) Exit Windows.

3) Start Windows, open Time Line for Windows and load your schedule file.

4) Select File/Print and print the schedule. The printout will be in black and white with the lighter colors being translated to white (blank).

5) Select File/Printer Setup and select a different dpi (resolution, or print quality) from the pull down list. Keep selecting "OK" to get back to the main view.

6) Select File/Print and print the schedule again. It should now print in color.

7) Set the dpi (resolution, or print quality) back to where it was, if you like, and the printer will still print in color.

8) The above works about 9 out of 10 times. If it doesn't work for you, please call us in Tech Support for more instructions.