1) Go into Control Panel and select or install the HP Plotter driver.
2) Click on "Connect".
3) Click on COM1 (or the appropriate Com port).
4) Make sure the box "Fast Printing Direct to Port" does not have an X in it, at least until we make sure everything is working properly.
5) Set the "Transmission Retry" to 900. (This is 15 minutes.)
6) Click on "Settings".
7) Set the baud rate to 9600.
8) Set Data Bits to 8.
9) Set Parity to None.
10) Set Stop Bits to 1.
11) Set Flow Control to Hardware.
12) Click on "OK" for Settings dialog box and "OK" for Connect dialog box.
13) Click on "Setup".
14) Pull down "Device" and choose the plotter model number that you have.
15) Pull down "Size" and choose the correct plot size.
16) Set Paper Feed to Manual and check "Preloaded" box.
17) Click on "OK" for this dialog box.
18) Click on "Close" for Printers dialog box.