Help for PC-NFS for System Administrators

There are two main issues that you may run into with PC-NFS:

1) User receives an error when starting Time Line for Windows: "Please remove the TZ variable from your environment and restart Windows." The user can exit Windows and execute the following command to temporarily remove TZ from the environment: SET TZ=<Enter>. To permanently remove it, the user will most likely need to remove it from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The offending statement will look something like: SET TZ=PST8PDT. Users who really require the use of this variable should contact technical support at 415/892-1424.

2) User receives an error when starting Time Line for Windows: "Internal LAN Counter error: #204." This error indicates that Time Line for Windows detected a lack of file sharing ability in the system. This can either be on the server or client side. The solution varies with the version of the PC-NFS client software. If the user is working with Sun-Select PC-NFS client software version 4 or earlier, it is recommended that they upgrade to version 5.


The server software items are called daemons. For BSD and SunOS style UNIX they are usually invoked in a file called /etc/rc.local. For System 5 (SVR4) the daemons are usually invoked in /etc/inittab. To check for these daemons, the system administrator can log into the UNIX host as the super-user (who's name is 'root') and type:

ps -x # for BSD style UNIX

ps -e # for SVR4 style UNIX

The daemons are:

pcnfsd # This is the nfs file system daemon that runs on the server.

nfsd # This daemon works by itself, but it is recommended that pcnfsd be used also. The client software will complain that the server y you are trying to attach is "not a PC-NFS authentication server" if you do not run pcnfsd.

lockd or rpc.lockd # This is the daemon that allows users to place locks on files that are needed for sharing.


The critical part of the installation is having the appropriate switch on the DOS program that is used to mount the UNIX file system as a DOS drive. For Sun-Select PC-NFS v5, the drive is usually mounted in DRIVES.BAT. The command will look something like:

NET USE D: server:/filesys /ms

The "/ms" parameter is used to indicate a "must share" file sharing status. This is necessary to avoid the Lan Counter error #204. Other vendors of PC-NFS client software implement this in different ways, but in general, the command used to mount the UNIX file system as a DOS drive letter has a switch that enables file sharing. If you run the NET USE command above with Sun-Select PC-NFS as a stand alone command, the software will return an error message if the server is unable to support file sharing.

OTHER LAN Counter errors and the most likely causes:

1 - /tlwin/landir marked as drw_rw_rw ( no execute permission )

59 - /tlwin/landir marked as dr_xr_xr_x ( no write permission )

202 - /tlwin/landir/tlwin.nsr marked as _r_xr_xr_x ( no write permission )

207 - /tlwin/landir marked as d_wx_wx_wx ( no read permission )

Users will need the following permissions:

1) Only read permission in the /tlwin program directory and read permission to the files in this directory. Execute permissions are not required.

2) All permissions to the /tlwin/landir directory.

3) All permissions to /tlwin/landir/tlwin.nsr.

* UNIX is case sensitive. If you are typing in a command, be sure to match the case of the characters exactly. If the command's name is in all lower case characters and you type an upper case character, the command will not be found by the system.