Task Bar (Time Scale) Width Adjustments

Bordering the top of the Task Bar pane, notice that the date scale header (usually shaded or colored) is divided in half horizontally. The upper half of the date scale header displays a major time denomination (usually years), and the lower half displays a minor (and more precise) time denomination. Pass the mouse pointer over the vertical lines that divide the minor time scale, and notice again that the pointer transforms into a drag tool whenever it is precisely over the line. When the pointer is a drag tool, press and hold the mouse button to drag the line to the left or right to adjust the width of the time divisions. Move the mouse pointer to the lower half of the time scale, double-click, and notice that the time denomination(s) change. Double-click on the lower half of the time scale several times to cause the time denominations to cycle through Quarters, Years, Days, Weeks, and Months. Date scale adjustments WILL affect the appearance of the date scale in the Preview, and in printed output.