Most problems arising from printing or plotting across Novell networks can be resolved by adjusting settings in the Control Panel that are equivalent to running Novell's CAPTURE statement. In Program Manager, double-click on the Printers icon and select the correct printer or plotter; click on the Connect button and select the correct port; click on the Network button and select the correct port name (in the Printer connections list); click on the Options button to get to the 'Printer Options for PortX' form (where 'PortX' could be LPT1: through LPT3:, or COM1: through COM4:).
Enable tabs should be off. Symptoms when on can be just about any kind of random or erratic output, especially on laser printers.
Enable timeout should be on, and the Timeout seconds should be set to about 120 for slower computers, or can be reduced to about 30 for slower computers. (Slower computers may need the timeout set to much longer... it may be wise at first to set the timeout to a little longer than the longest time that Time Line takes to generate one page.) The only disadvantage of a longer timeout is that there will be more of a delay before the print/plot job reaches the printer/plotter. Too short of a timeout can cause incomplete graphics to print or plot, sections (strips) of the printout to come out on different pages, and other symptoms.
Click on the OK button to get back to the Network - Printer Connections form. If you want Windows to remember and use the same settings every time Windows launches, set the 'Permanent' box to on.
Click on OK to get back to the Connect form. The Timeouts in this form are used by the network spooler when communicating with the printer/plotter. A typical timeout for Device Not Selected might be 30 seconds, or the amount of extra time you think might be needed to prepare the printer/plotter to receive the print/plot job (after it is ready to be sent by the network print server). A typical Transmission Retry timeout might be 30 seconds for fast printers/plotters, 120 seconds for slower ones, or you might rather specify a long enough time to allow you to change or add paper if/whenever the printer/plotter needs it.
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