Using the Library Feature

Window Views

Each Time Line for Windows window allows the user to display specifically selected columns. For example: one Gantt window may display start dates and timing information, while another Gantt window in the same file may show the associated cost and resource information. In addition, each window may be individually formatted with Spreadsheet and Time Scale display options, Sort algorithm, active Filter, Hoist, and Zoom percentage. All these options are stored individually for each window.

Users may have a suite of favorite views that might be applied to all of their projects. It is not necessary to painstakingly recreate the views in each and every schedule file. These window views can be saved, independent of the project in which they were created. To do so, simply choose the menu item "Save to Library..." from the "Window" menu. Then specify a filename with the extension ".TLL" for the Window Library file. Choose whether to save all the available views as a set, or the active window only.

The saved views can then be applied to existing schedules. Open the schedule file, then choose "Open Library..." from the "Window" menu. All the views--those originally in the schedule, and those added by the Library file--are now available for use. Window views from On Target can also be opened in Time Line for Windows, so there is no need to duplicate the effort done in On Target already. To get rid of duplicate or unwanted views, select the Window Control Menu <Alt-Hyphen> for that view, and choose "Close" or hit <Ctrl-F4>. The next time the schedule is saved, all retained views are saved to the schedule file.